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Research Interests Overview



Chemical biology,  Nanomedicine


    Basically, we are chemists with biological background. Our interests are highly interdisciplinary at the interfaces of chemistry, material sciences and biomedicine.  Small molecular bioconjugates are of the most commonly used chemical tools in chemical biological studies, which have shown great advantages on the cutting-edge of chemistry and biology. Also, nanomaterials have achieved major importance in health care research and industries because of their unique chemical and physical properties.  To our interest, the major strategy is to combine the functions of small molecular ligands and nanostructures. Specific aims are to design and develop some novel and multifunctional bioconjugates/or and nanostructures for the purpose of biomedical study and application.




1.  Novel chemical tools for bioimaging and biosensing


    Design and develop novel and "smart" chemical and nanostructures for bioimaging or biosensing such as the design and preparation of organic and inorganic fluorophores.  The main aim at this filed is to offer reasonable tools for visualization of important bioactivities, monitoring of enzyme functions and  screening of drug candidates. 






2.  Smart nanosystem for imaging guided drug release and cancer therapy


    Design and develop multifunctional bioconjugates/nanostructures for imaging guided cancer therapy. The materials respond to cellular local enviroment (e.g pH, enzyme...) and these are controllable by light irradiation, mechanical stress are of the main interests in this field. 






3.  Interactions between cell membrane and small molecule or nanostructure 


    We are highly interested in the study of interactions between biological membranes such as cell membrane, lysosomal membranes and druggable molecules or nanoparticles. 






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